Published inSmart OwlThe reason why God created manGod created the dog and said, “Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past.Mar 1Mar 1
Published inSmart OwlThe sad truths about lifeThe married people want to get divorce, while the unmarried people want to be loved.Jan 24Jan 24
Published inSmart OwlMy romantic holiday in Budapest with an imaginary womanIt had been a while since I’d been talking to her about where our next trip could be. Jan 5Jan 5
Published inSmart OwlHow to attract the love you wantWhen something is not meant for you, it will not happen, no matter what you do. When something is meant for you, no one can take that from…Dec 23, 2024Dec 23, 2024
Published inSmart OwlThe truth about your one shot at lifeOne day, just like that, we shut our eyes for the last time and that would be it. Game over, and there’s a pretty good chance that there’s…Dec 23, 2024Dec 23, 2024
Published inSmart OwlMotivation and Personal DevelopmentMaintaining consistent motivation is a challenge many of us.Dec 15, 2024Dec 15, 2024
Published inSmart OwlMy ChildhoodI was born in the late 80s in a small village northern Greece. In the area you could only find farmers, mainly growing tobacco.Nov 17, 2024Nov 17, 2024
Published inSmart OwlWhy I am a blood donorHave you ever seen someone having a hard time crossing the road, and you stopped and helped them? Have you ever met someone at the…Mar 18, 2023Mar 18, 2023
Published inThe ShadowWhat is Dielectric Electro-Active Polymer?DEAP is an elastic silicone film (dialectric) coated on both sides with a very thin layer of metal. The film is only 40 µm thick making it…Feb 3, 2021Feb 3, 2021